Clothed, Manipulated, and Unaware

Countless people live in cities and towns, as I have for about four decades of my life. Humanity is very dependent on society, the towns and cities that they all love, for the government services and all the entertainment they are very much dependent on. Governments give people water, electricity, shelter, and food from supermarkets.

If just the two services, water, and food, were no longer available, virtually every human living in these places probably would not be around for much longer. People depend on the government for municipal services, not knowing how to live self-sustainably. If a total societal system collapse were to occur, they wouldn’t know what to do. They would panic. Humanity is trusting that governments won’t fail them. But governments often fail.

We act like human babies, unable to do anything for ourselves. If we get a little cold or the flu, we run immediately to the medical and pharmaceutical industries to suppress our symptoms with medications or vaccinations. We still suckle on a mother cow, unable to wean ourselves from milk. Milk is for babies only! Not for older children or adults. When we’re out of food, we run instantly to the supermarket for all sorts of packaged crap that deteriorates our health and destroys the environment. But what happens if a total system collapse or shutdown where to take place? What would people do? It actually did happen all over the world with Coronavirus in 2020 and 2021, with many people around the world suffering tremendously or dying due to the situation. People are not self-sufficient and don’t know how to do many tasks to be self-reliant, and therefore, they wouldn’t be able to survive.

The way humans are living is unsustainable. The Earth can no longer sustain our materialistic and consumeristic lifestyle, and eventually, there may be a total collapse in society.

There are two main problems with the way humans live, especially in towns and cities. First, we are using, killing, and stealing from trillions of animals each year just to satisfy our taste pleasures and to conform to an obsolete culture and society that is harming other creatures and us as well. We see nonhuman animals as property, and this has to stop, unless we want the same things continuing to happen to us, that we do to other animals. Whenever we enslave nonhuman animals, we become enslaved ourselves. There is no way around this. Fancy packages with names like organic, free-range, free-roaming, grass-fed, humane slaughter, Halal, Kosher, certified, etc., mean nothing. Raising animals outdoors in backyard or pasture settings means nothing either. We still see animals and what comes out of them as mere commodities and food. Eventually, when the animal’s production, like their eggs and milk, declines tremendously, they are killed for food anyway. Seeing the animal’s bodies or their secretions as products and food, even if they live in the most idyllic situations, does nothing to free the animals from human slavery and ownership.

Secondly, supporting society by living in towns and cities is unsustainable and environmentally devestating as we continue relying on outside authorities like the government and megacorporations to feed, house, and provide us with all the other municipal services we use. We don’t even know how to grow our own food for gosh sake! Many people think fruits and vegetables grow in supermarkets. They are oblivious to the fact that mangoes, oranges, and avocados grow out of the Earth on trees. We are ignorant of the issue. And we rely on outside help to provide us with all our necessities. Governments want us to depend on them and their services, living in highly densely populated areas in towns or cities so they can control us more. There is more surveillance, restrictions, laws, reliance on them and their services and more of everything to restrict our freedom and moment. We are free and sovereign human beings if we would only wake up and stop supporting all of this madness. We are locked up in invisible chains that we can’t see or escape. The mental and emotional slavery from living in stressful and polluted towns and cities eventually leads to overall health problems that we’re all facing. The entertainment and municipal services and our laziness keep us attracted and addicted to it all, locked into the system, and unable to free ourselves, not questioning any of the narratives of our culture.

Even if we were living in rural areas in Nature in colder climates or thinking that having municipal electricity is a convenience, these are still problematic. In colder climates, we can’t grow food all year round and rely heavily on supermarkets for our food. Even if we were to live in Nature in warmer climates but continue using municipal electricity or water, we think nothing of the negative consequences of doing so, believing that governments are not enslaving or causing us harm, but they still are. As we continue to support society and rely on government services, it keeps the system running and in place, the very one that enslaves us and countless other people. Government and society are enslavement. The more we support the system, the more enslaved we become. It cannot be any other way, as this is the reality of it.

It is a shame that people don’t see what is really going on and still justify their bad habits and lifestyle like they’re causing no harm. There are solutions to the problems that beset humanity. The first thing we need to do is get out of society as fast as we can and live in intentional communities, especially in the tropics or subtropics. And then, we start growing as much food as we can, as quickly as possible. We become anarchists and nonconformists and stop supporting anything that is a part of society and culture step by step until we become completely self-sustainable in Nature. Get rid of religion, marriage, educational systems, TV and media news, and all other frivolous things and institutions. These are no longer needed if we truly want to be free. These are the things that we must do if we want humanity to survive. Technology will not save us! Governments will not save us! No individual like Donald Trump or Jesus or a group of people, like the white hats, military, Qs, or Anonymous, are going to save us. We need to rely on ourselves and join like-minded people who are true vegan anarchists growing their own food away from towns and cities. These are the true heroes of the world. I am doing just that with my lovely partner here in the place we call Peaceful Village Raw Vegan Healing Community, with countless people joining in the movement.

It is about time that we awaken to our true self, which is part of Nature, containing the elements of life, in order to thrive. We need to get back to our roots. These roots are grounded in the Earth, and therefore, we must be part of the natural ecosystem, which is our true home. No longer can we argue and justify our bad behaviors and lifestyles while living in these artificial concrete places like towns and cities as a part of society. We must now walk away from society living in tropical forests connected to alternative energy sources for our electricity. We cannot make any more excuses! Because now, we are all out of excuses! If we are to live in harmony with the natural world and each other, we must live in Nature, working in harmony with all the creatures that live with us and not against them.

You have to take the first step. And if not now, then when are we going to start?

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Michael Lanfield is the author of several books including two #1 Amazon category best-selling books The Interconnectedness of Life and The Journey. He's also a holistic coach and certified World Peace Diet Facilitator. He has been featured on dozens of FM/AM radio stations, podcasts, various websites, magazines, and media outlets, sharing veganism to millions of people around the world. Visit his website

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