Leaving Society Behind

For eons of time, humanity has lived in society and with their own particular culture. Nowadays, it seems that everyone is living the same culture, eating and drinking practically the same things, the dead bodies and secretions of nonhuman animals, and drinking artificial bottled drinks, alcohol, sodas, coffee, etc., with slight variations of preparations. Most people are now amalgamating in towns and cities, in metropolitan urban or suburban areas working for the same system that is oppressing them. We’ve been dictated to and told what to do through societal and cultural narratives for much of this time through royalty kings and queens, but now, it is predominantly controlled by government interests. You can’t go anywhere nowadays without the government intervening in our private affairs. Even the lay and heavily indoctrinated person knows how corrupt and evil governments are. But they think there’s no other way to live in the world and continue conforming to ideologies and practices that they never freely chose on their own. They continue being part of a system that enslaves them on every level: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The system is heavily manipulated through TV programming and media news, radio, newspaper, and billboard advertising. Many people believe the lies and are kept in fear because of all this brain-sullying, so they trust governments and guns to keep them safe.

Within society, there are many institutions, such as marriage, education, religion, science, medical and pharmaceutical, and more. None of these are truly beneficial for the human spirit. We must travel with some form of ID document, either a passport, local or national identification, and visa, and often cannot do anything without presenting these documents. If we would like to go to another country, which is ultimately just a corporation on a piece of paper, we have to deal with imaginary fake borders, airplanes, and police, we are not truly free humans. No other animal lives this way.

We are sovereign human beings, who have the birthright to govern our own bodies without interference from outside parties. Not even government personnel, like police or the military, has the right to tell us where to go, ask for identification or visa documents, or search our bodies or private belongings. In fact, if they touch us, even in a gentle manner, it is considered physical assault.

I’ve read a few constitutions, and I’ve never seen anywhere where it is legal or mandatory that human beings need passports or visas to move about, to pay taxes, obtain permits in order to do things like construct buildings, or that walking nude is illegal. None of these things are stipulated in four constitutions that I’ve read so far. However, in order to cross imaginary country borders or travel far away to another place with an airplane, we can’t do it, because the good old police is watching us, asking for many papers, and often searching our belongings.

We just assumed through our culture, that we cannot do certain things or we must do this or that, and that the government puts certain laws in effect for humans to obey. If we are part of society still living in towns and cities, we’re under government rules, not natural laws. These unnatural laws are not humane, but oppressive and violent. Nature made her own natural laws governed by the Universe. These laws can be read in our new book, The Way We Heal: Reconnecting to the Power of Nature.

For centuries, we’ve been trying to improve society and culture, especially through politics, protests, and marches. These are just acts of begging the government to implement petty little changes. These beggings have never created true peace and heaven on Earth. The people at the top hierarchy, already know exactly who is going to be put into political power, to become president or prime minister, so voting really does nothing for humanity. This is all just a show, a trickery to get people to believe they are electing their politicians through voting. Ultimately, most politicians, are part of this whole game show, and ultimately all of them are wearing the same mask.

If we truly want to make a difference in the world, we need to learn all about the deceptions of society and culture, do the inner and outer work in order to heal ourselves holistically, start walking away from society and culture and all the institutional practices, and do whatever is necessary to becoming completely self-sufficient creating intentional communities in Nature, and teaching others these same ideas. These are all done nonviolently with love for all, including the police and military.

We need to become non-conformists and anarchists and take a stand when it comes to exercising our birthrights, which can be read in full here. To sum it up.

  • The Right to Live and Move Freely Anywhere on Earth
  • We are All Sovereign Beings
  • The Right to Have Access to Natural Foods and Clean Water
  • The Birthright to Our Privacy and Private Space
  • The Birthright to Being Nude and Barefoot

However, there will always be the majority of people who have no clue, either, what to do, or how to live a life in tropical Nature, or they make excuses that life in Nature would be dangerous or boring and that they need the amenities of towns and cities, like shopping malls and plazas, discotheques, restaurants and bars, cinemas, and recreation centers, etc. People have the idea, promoted by the government, corporations, and documentary films, that it is impossible to live in these “wild” places with all the poisonous snakes, scorpions, spiders, jaguars, and other ferocious animals, who may injure or kill us. We have the notion that, in these places, one cannot live elegantly, and people who do so, live in degraded falling-apart dwellings. These are far from the truth.

Since 2017, I’ve lived in Nature for many years, off and on, and now living more permanently in the northern Amazonian jungles of the place called ecuador with my partner Aurora. In these places, I have yet to see, deadly animals wanting to deliberately attack us or climatic disasters breaking our buildings. Even though I did see some type of large wildcat, they were walking on their way into the dense jungle away from me. Large animals are usually afraid of humans and tend to isolate themselves far from us on very high mountains. Even though we do have some challenges and things to deal with, for the most part, we live in peace and tranquility in the pristine jungle mountains, with three incredible rivers and some streams, cascades, and waterfalls, and pure rain water to drink and shower.

We do live a bit more “primitively” compared to people who are used to living in towns and cities with all the facilities. We live in cabins and areas where there are panoramic views and full open air, and sleep in tents so we are not surprised by insects or other animals walking on us at night and one of us accidentally harming the other. All things considered, at our place that we call Peaceful Village Raw Vegan Healing Community, there are hardly almost any biting insects. As we are creating food forests, we understand the symbiotic relationship between different plants and the way they either attract or detract certain animals. So we don’t plant monoculturally. We’re also doing the spiritual and holistic inner and outer work in order to heal ourselves and to live in harmony with the environment and other beings, and that this brings for most of the year, little to none of these biting insects, poisonous snakes, or other creatures who could mistakenly harm us.

We know how important it is to plant and grow trees, especially fruit trees, and that, when we create food forests, it helps sustain life on Earth. Nonhuman animals create their homes in the trees and the soil, playing their part in the symbiosis of the ecosystem. We plant veganically, not using any chemicals or domesticated animals or their inputs, like manure on the land, helping to recover the topsoil and creating fertility, instead of degrading it, while not harming anyone. We are guardians of the Earth, planting our food to be self-reliant, away from the system that oppresses us, and giving many homes to countless creatures, which is a win-win for everyone.

It took me a lot of time until I got to this point in my life. In the beginning, it was not easy, but at least now we with a land in Nature growing our own food. Still, we have a lot of work to do until we become completely self-reliant, especially when it comes to our food. That is why volunteers are beneficially and appreciated in helping to tend to this majestic place. Fruit trees take years, sometimes even decades, until we can eat their fruits, and it is mainly because of this, that many people choose just to buy from supermarkets, as they feel this is easier. We don’t know what is happening within the food system that is greatly manipulated and to work in jobs that serve no meaning in our lives just to pay for the food and other expenses, and, because if we do this, we don’t want to support governments and the oppressive system that continues profiting from the working class.

We want increasingly less to do with the system but understand that it takes time until we become free of the system and can provide food and shelter for ourselves, our families, and communities. Humans don’t need to continue in an oppressive system that doesn’t work for the betterment of the people, environment, or other beings. We should forgo patriarchy altogether, stop being separatistic and materialistic, and instead, reconnect to the power of Nature. We reconnect to the wisdom of Nature, not just sometimes going to park in the city or town, but living more permanently in Nature in the topics. Once we do that, and do the inner and outer holistic work as written in our new book The Way We Heal: Reconnecting to the Power of Nature, we start to make vital connections that lead to awareness, awakening, transformation, and evolution. Nature will take care of us, once we take care of her and the creatures who inhabit the Earth.

Forests are vitally important for the ecology and well-being of everyone. Rain is necessary, as are all the other elements within the ecosystem. Walking barefoot and naked surrounded by pure sunshine without chemical concoctions on our skin, is also important for the well-functioning of our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. We are not evil creatures by design, we are peace and love makers.

Until we begin to realize that towns and cities and the oppressive system that enslaves us, cannot bring about heaven on Earth, we conclude that the answer all along is Nature. We need to return to our roots, to our Mother, the one who is a part of us. We are human, but also a part of the surrounding existence, both Nature and the Universe. This is why people are lost, depressed, and can’t find themselves, and why many spiritual leaders cannot discover and live in true peace and happiness. This is because they’ve lost their permanent connection with Nature, returning home to their abode. Nature is the key, and it now that we are finally able to open the door, and can walk in and enjoy the peace and tranquility getting closer to the spirit.

Happy Earth day, every day!

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Michael Lanfield is the author of several books including two #1 Amazon category best-selling books The Interconnectedness of Life and The Journey. He's also a holistic coach and certified World Peace Diet Facilitator. He has been featured on dozens of FM/AM radio stations, podcasts, various websites, magazines, and media outlets, sharing veganism to millions of people around the world. Visit his website

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