The Way We Heal: Reconnecting to the Power of Nature

The Way We Heal: Reconnecting to the Power of Nature will be available soon!

About the  Book

Humans have lost the connection to Nature, and why we are failing as a species, so sick and unhappy. Our health is deteriorating and the medical and pharmaceutical industries do nothing to offer permanent, healthy, long-lasting solutions. Governments also don’t help to create true peace and heaven on Earth. We can see that we are still at war with one another, fighting for natural resources, land, money, and power. Technology like artificial intelligence and robots, cannot and will never, be able to save humanity.

The Way We Heal: Reconnecting to the Power of Nature is a hard-hitting and thought-provoking book on reconnecting and holistically healing with the power of Nature and getting to the root of the deeper underlying reasons behind all of the violence and wars occurring throughout the world. Why are we in such chaos and mess in society and culture? Why haven’t we already solved the problems that are besetting humanity? Why are we wearing peace and love t-shirts and not truly embracing and living the message?

Our wisdom has been lost, and suppressed by societal and cultural programming and all institutions within. Isn’t it about time that we all reawaken out of the shambles of society and culture, and instead, seek a better way to live in harmony with all life? Yes! This book can show us just how, but not through nutrition, pharmaceuticals, politics, or technology, but through spirit and Nature. There are solutions to our problems, and The Way We Heal gets to the heart of them.

Stay tuned here for more details and how to get a copy of the book as a hardcover and an ebook.


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